You’ve probably got a plan in place to get your business prepped for the winter, do you have a plan to clean up your business for summer?

Yes, summer’s sunny rays and high temps require just as much readiness as winter’s howling winds and snow, but the process is a little different. Put away the sidewalk salt and shovel, and take note of the steps you’ll need to follow to summer cleanup your business

1. Wash and Inspect Your Windows

One of the summer’s greatest features is the gorgeous sunlight streaming through the windows. However, when the windows haven’t been washed for a year, you’re not going to get sunlight streaming so much as a faint glow through the smudges and filth.

Whether you choose to wash the windows yourself or you decide to hire a pro to do the job properly, ensuring that your windows are sparkling won’t just improve the morale of the people within, but will present a professional face to any passers-by.

Additionally, take the time to inspect your windows for any damage that might have occurred over the winter. Broken caulk or cracks from cold could lead to cool air leakage, increasing your energy bill throughout the hot summer.

2. Schedule an HVAC Inspection to Ready Your Business for Summer

This is particularly vital in climates where it grows hot in the summer months. Extreme changes in the climate can damage HVAC systems, meaning that when you’re ready to turn on the air conditioning on the first sweltering day, it’s possible that your HVAC won’t be ready to handle it.

Not only will this be very uncomfortable for (if not hazardous to the health of) your employees, but if you regularly see clients in the building, they’ll be sufficiently uncomfortable that it’s possible that they won’t want to visit again.

Routine inspections will not only save you from a potentially expensive repair, but they’ll keep your office climate-controlled and comfortable for the hot summer months.

3.  Schedule Carpet Cleaning

Winter’s slush and snow wreak havoc on flooring, as do the salt and moisture that come along with them. It’s important to prioritize carpet cleaning when the time comes to ready your business for summer, or you might be forced to live with unattractive stains and dingy carpet until the time comes to replace it.

Failure to establish a regular carpet maintenance program will not just leave your floors looking less than their best, but it could result in needing to replace your carpet well before its anticipated lifespan. This unexpected expense could create a preventable pinch in your budget.

4.  Improve Your Curb Appeal

One oft-forgotten task that you should accomplish to clean up your business for summer is to spruce up the building’s exterior. After a long winter, many businesses have a great deal of trash and debris that was hidden under snow and sleet. Now that the snow is gone, it’s time to remove the junk and upgrade the appearance of the grounds.

In addition to cleaning up the grounds, you can refresh the paint on doors and windowsills as needed, tidy up the lobby, and plant flowers and shrubbery to give your business an attractive and professional face to present to visitors.

If you need help with the summer cleanup for your business, American Maintenance is happy to assist. Contact us today to see what we can do for you!